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Showing posts with label ises. Show all posts

Saturday, June 13, 2009

With this set up we won the international special event society tabletop competition -2009 most innovative , congratulation to us.

Contestents were challenged to select a theme and select a song and create a table top design to illustrate it. We deisided to go with "Black and White " Michael Jackson's hit . We used our shadow box table with black calla liles black square vases with white arched mini cala lilies and over 300 hidrangias on top of a metal stand . We then glued button moms to the metal stand and to the tables . In the back we had black and white lighted bars with lucite cubes and the letters b l a c k and w h i t e made out of little tiny moms . We also used a 36 inch flat screen TV floating in the air to show the video of the song something that never previously done in the decor industry. THATS HOW YOU WIN A COMPETITION !!!